A credit card not only lets you make big purchases but it also makes your life a lot more convenient. With a credit card, you can make transactions and can repay the money in easy EMIs spread over a period of time. Over a period of time, banks launch different types of credit cards focused at offering benefits for different expenses like shopping, grocery, utility bill payment, etc.
A utility credit card helps you to resolve bill payments for a number of utility tasks such as phone bill, electricity bill, etc. There are a variety of utility credit cards that assure rewards and benefits to the cardholders when they make utility bill payment using the card.
Functioning of Utility Credit Cards
Several leading banks offer utility credit cards that come with extra rewards on such transactions. To use a utility credit card, users are required to create an account first. After this, the customer is supposed to add billers after accessing the list provided by the bank. This list would cover utility service suppliers for gas, telephone, electricity, insurance, DTH etc.
- Always make sure that, biller is present in the bank’s list else the customer would not be able to add the biller or get the benefit. Leading service providers like Airtel and Vodafone are listed as billers with almost every bank in India.
- At the time of managing a payment, you need to choose the biller and provide the required details, such as the amount desired to pay and customer number. Once these details are provided, press the payment option and make the most of your utility credit card.
- You also hold the option to provide a standing instruction, after which the money gets charged on your credit card every month automatically.
Best Utility Card Examples
Below mentioned are two amazing utility credit card options. The features and benefits associated to these cards are worth a grab.
SBI Card SimplySAVE
The SBI SimplySAVE credit card is a wonderful option to manage regular expenditure as well as bill payments. You can use this credit card anywhere around the globe. Furthermore, the reward scheme includes serving customers with the convenience to shop and make rewards. The card also offers travel benefits that suit the needs of frequent travelers.
- Receive 10X rewards for all your Movies, Dining, Grocery, as well as Departmental Store expenses.
- Benefit Rs. 100 cash back over the first ATM transaction within thirty days of accepting the card.
- Receive 1 point over every INR 100 spent with the card.
- Use the card across 24 million outlets all around the world.
- When the customer spends Rs. 90,000 or above under an annual tenure, the annual fee gets waived off.
- 1% fuel surcharge waiver for every transaction between Rs. 500 and Rs. 3,000.
- Receive 2,000 extra reward points for spending over Rs. 2000 under 60 days of card activation.
HDFC MoneyBack Credit Card
HDFC offers this exclusive credit card for payment of utility bills and grocery expenses. The customer is eligible for direct cash back or reward points that can be converted into statement credit.
- Avail 2 reward points for Rs. 150 spent for all purchases.
- 1% Fuel surcharge waived for fuel transactions ranging between Rs. 500 and Rs. 3,000.
- 2 times more Reward Points on Online Purchases.
- Enjoy Revolving Credit on your Credit Card at nominal interest rate