To promote transparency and accountability, the Government of India has enacted the ‘The Right to Information Act 2005’ for its citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities. With this act, citizens can gain access to information that is held by or under the control of public authority which also includes the right to inspect work, documents, records, certified samples of the materials and obtaining information that is stored in electronic form.

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Who can file RTI for Aadhaar related queries?
RTI can be filed by any of the residents of India. For this, residents are required to request for information by making an application in writing or another way through electronic means in English/Hindi/official language of the area in which the application is being made, altogether with the prescribed fees.
Who will provide information against RTI?
Information flows in a very significant way to promote transparency and accountability among the citizens of India. Every public authority is designated with Central Assistant Public Information Officer (CAPIO) at different levels who receives the requests for information from the public. The Central Public Information Officer is responsible to arrange all the necessary information required to the public in all administrative units/offices. The request for information should be settled either by providing the information or rejecting the request within 30 days.
What does the UIDAI Disclosure Norms States?
As per section 8(I) (j) of RTI Act, 2005 and given the confidential nature of demographic and biometric data (personal data of resident) only the resident to whom the data relates can seek the information. No other applicant can seek this information. No other applicant will be provided with any personal information related to a third party or any other resident to protect the privacy and maintain the confidentiality of residents enrolled under Aadhaar program. The applicant may also be required to provide additional validation of identity in certain cases.

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How to file RTI for Aadhaar Related Services?
Mentioned below are the steps required to file RTI for Aadhaar related services:
Step 1: Visit the official website of RTI Online at
Step 2: Enter Username and Password if you are a registered user otherwise first register and then sign in.
Step 3: Click ‘Submit Request’
Step 4: Enter the public authority details required. You are required to pay the RTI fee of Rs.10 to process the transaction.
Step 5: Click ‘Submit’
Step 6: Enter the payment mode to transact
Step 7: After successful payment, you will receive a notification on your registered email Id for successful RTI-Online Request Filed.
Note: Residents who are Below Poverty Line are required to provide BPL Card No. along with Year of Issue and Issuing Authority. On the other hand, residents who do not fall under BPL category are required to pay the RTI Fee of Rs.10 to file RTI for Aadhaar Services.