The UIDAI online portal for Aadhaar card was initiated in public interest with the prime objective of providing all the information about Aadhaar card. The government has made it simpler for people to find Aadhaar card centres in Gurgaon. Users can go to the official website of UIDAI and locate the place to either enrol for or update Aadhaar card. You can also find Aadhaar Enrolment Centres in Gurgaon online and visit there to update your details.
The government has now made the Aadhaar number compulsory for availing certain services and benefits under select schemes. However, you have to link your Aadhaar with most of them to avail such benefits. In case your mobile number is not linked with Aadhaar, You can search and find the nearest Aadhaar enrolment centre on the website and visit there to update your mobile number registered with Aadhaar. you can also register your mobile number with Aadhar Card online.