PAN or Permanent Account Number is a unique 10-digit alphanumeric code issued to each and every entity carrying out financial transactions in India. Be it an individual or an organisation, PAN card is mandatory for all tax-paying entities. One can apply for a PAN card through NSDL website or UTIITSL portal for PAN. PAN card hardcopy is delivered on the address mentioned in the Form 49A within 45 days of application. One can, however, utilise the PAN card download online facility and use it as a valid document everywhere.
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Table of Contents:
- What is ePAN card
- Eligibility Criteria to Download e-PAN
- How to Download e-PAN Card Online
- Steps to Download e-PAN Card through NSDL
- Process to Download e-PAN Card through UTIITSL
- How to Download ePAN Card Online from Income Tax Website
- How to Check ePAN Card Status
- Process to Download e-PAN Card through Aadhar Number
- PAN Card Customer Care
- FAQs on e-PAN Card Download
What is ePAN Card
ePAN Card is a virtual PAN card that contains the card holder’s PAN details. It can be downloaded either from the NSDL portal or the UTIITSL portal. It contains the card holder’s PAN and can be used for all e-verification that require PAN card to be furnished.
The following details are mentioned in an ePAN card:
- Permanent Account Number
- Name
- Father’s Name
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Photograph
- Signature
- QR Code
It is worth mentioning that it is illegal to possess more than one PAN card. A person found in possession of more than one PAN card is liable to be imposed a fine of up to Rs. 10,000.
Eligibility Criteria to Download e-PAN
Given below are a few key criteria that you must meet in order to download an e-PAN card online:
- You can only download an e-PAN card if you had selected the option of e-PAN or both physical PAN card and e-PAN while making your PAN card application
- If you apply for your PAN card through NSDL (Protean), you can only download your e-PAN from the NSDL website. Whereas, if you apply for your PAN through the UTIITSL, e-PAN card download can only be done through the UTIITSL website.
- Both new applicants as well as applicants who have applied for a change/correction in PAN data can only download their e-PAN card free of cost three times from the NSDL and UTIITSL website within one month of PAN card issuance.
Steps to Download ePAN Card Online
ePAN card can be downloaded online from NSDL and UTIITSL portal. Those applicants who had applied for PAN through the NSDL portal in the past can download ePAN from the same.
If they want to download e PAN card from UTIITSL portal, they will have to apply for PAN card reprint through the UTIITSL portal first otherwise they will not be able to download the ePAN. The same goes with the applicants of NSDL portal.
ePAN card can be downloaded free of cost three times by all new applicants or applicants who have applied for a modification in the PAN data within one month of the issuance of PAN card.
Both NSDL (now Protean) and UTIITSL charge an additional fee of Rs. 8.26 (including taxes) for every download request after one month of PAN card issuance/update.
This payment can be done online and the applicant can download the ePAN whenever he needs it.

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How to Download ePAN Card from NSDL Portal
There are two options for downloading the ePAN card through NSDL portal or for NSDL PAN card download:
- Download ePAN using the Acknowledgement Number (
- Download ePAN using PAN
Applicants can opt-out from the delivery of the PAN card hardcopy and apply only for ePAN card at the time of filling the form, both new and correction/modification in PAN card. In such cases, it is mandatory to quote the email address where the ePAN card will be delivered.
How to Download ePAN Card by Acknowledgement Number
To download ePAN card online from the NSDL portal follow the steps mentioned below:
Step 1: Visit NSDL PAN portal to download the PAN card by Acknowledgement number
Step 2: Enter the Acknowledgement number issued after submitting the PAN card application and other necessary details such as date of birth/incorporation/formation
Step 3: Enter the captcha code that you see on the screen and click on the “Submit” button to download your ePAN card
How to Download ePAN Card by PAN and Date of Birth
One can download ePAN card online by mentioning the PAN and date of birth as well. Follow the steps mentioned below for the same:
Step 1: Visit the ePAN downloading portal
Step 2: Enter details required in the form such as PAN, Aadhaar number (for individuals), date of birth, GSTN (optional)
Step 3: Agree to the terms and conditions, enter the security code and click on “Submit” to download the ePAN card for free

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How to Download ePAN Card from UTIITSL Portal
UTIITSL is an alternative portal from where applicants can apply for new PAN cards or making corrections in the existing PAN. Applicants who have applied through UTIITSL can download the ePAN card online. If the ePAN is downloaded within 30 days of issuance of the PAN card, no additional fee is charged.
One can download ePAN card online from the UTIITSL portal by following the steps mentioned below:
Step 1: Visit the e PAN downloading portal of UTIITSL
Step 2: Enter the required details such as PAN, date of birth/incorporation, GSTIN (optional) and security code and submit the application
Step 3: Check whether the mobile number and e-mail ID mentioned against the PAN is correct and enter the security code and tick the declaration
- The user gets the option to send the OTP to either mobile number, email ID or both
- An OTP is sent to the selected source
Step 4: Enter the OTP and click on submit
Step 5: In case the PAN issuance period is more than one month, the user will be directed to make an online payment of Rs. 8.26
Step 6:On successful processing, the user will be able to download the ePAN card online
- To download ePAN card online via UTIITSL website, the user should have earlier registered a valid and active mobile number or email with their PAN record with Income Tax Department.
- The link to download the ePAN will be sent to the user’s registered mobile number through SMS and/or email. By clicking on this link and using the OTP received on email/mobile, the user can download the ePAN.
- In case, the email and mobile number are not registered, the user should first get them registered by applying through a change/correction request application to avail the e-PAN download facility later.
How to Download ePAN Card Online from Income Tax Website
One can download ePAN card online via the income tax website by following the steps given below:
Step 1: On the Income Tax website, click on “Instant E-PAN” listed under the Quick Links section.
Step 2: On the next page, click on “Get New e-PAN”
Step 3: Enter the Aadhaar number, agree to the terms and conditions and click on “Continue”
Step 4: Agree to the terms and conditions on the OTP Validation page and click on “Continue”
Step 5: Enter the OTP received on the registered mobile number, accept the terms and conditions and click on “Continue”
Step 6: Validate Aadhaar details and select “Continue”
Step 7: Once the details are submitted, the acknowledgement number will be displayed. An SMS will be also be sent to the registered mobile number.
- The facility to download Instant E-PAN from the Income Tax website is only available for applicants who have a valid Aadhaar and have never been allotted a PAN card
- PAN is issued free of cost in PDF format
- An active mobile number should be linked TO Aadhaar to avail the service
- Applicant’s complete date of birth in (DD-MM-YYYY) should be available on Aadhaar card
- The applicant should not be a minor on the date of PAN application
- Foreign citizens are not eligible to apply for PAN through e-KYC mode
How to Check ePAN Card Status
- In case you have applied for a new ePAN card/updated correction in your PAN card you can track the status via the NSDL/UTIITSL website.
- Alternatively, you can also track the status of your PAN card via call or SMS. To know more, click here.
- To track the status of instant ePAN card applied through the Income Tax department website follow the steps given below:
- On the Income Tax website, click on “Instant E-PAN” listed under the Quick Links section.
- On the next page, click on “Continue” listed under Check Status/Download PAN
- Enter your Aadhaar number and click on “Continue”
- Enter the OTP that you receive on your registered mobile number
- Agree to validate the Aadhaar details and click on “Continue”
- ePAN card status will be displayed on screen. You will also find the option to download the ePAN.
Download Duplicate ePAN Card via Aadhaar Number
There’s another way to download duplicate PAN Card i.e. reprint PAN Card facility through Aadhaar Card offered by NSDL e-Gov. Follow the steps to request for Reprint of PAN Card:
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: Enter your PAN number and Aadhaar number (only for individuals)
Step 3: Enter the Date of Birth in MM/YY format
Step 4: Enter the GSTIN Number (optional)
Step 5: Read and accept the declaration and enter the captcha code for verification
Step 6: When you click on the ‘Submit’ button, a new page will appear on the screen with the details of your PAN Card
Step 7: Scroll down and select the options to receive OTP on Email ID, Mobile Number or both and an OTP will be sent on the selected option
Step 8: Enter the OTP and click on ‘Validate’ button and your request to reprint PAN Card will be submitted to the NSDL department.

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PAN Card Customer Care Number
In case you have any queries relating to PAN card download, you can contact the PAN card customer care on the following numbers:
- Income Tax Department: +91-20-27218080
- UTIITSL: +91-33-40802999, 033-40802999
- Protean: 020-27218080, 08069708080
PAN Card Customer Care Email ID
You can also get answers to your queries relating to e PAN card download by sending an email to the PAN card customer care:
- Protean:
FAQs on Downloading ePAN Card
Q. How to download my old PAN card by the PAN Number?
Ans. You can download your old PAN Card by availing the facility of duplicate PAN Card download through ‘Reprint PAN Card’ option provided by the Income Tax Department of India from either NSDL or UTITTSL Portal.
Q. I lost my PAN Card, but I remember my PAN. Can I download a copy from the internet and from which website?
Ans. Yes, in case you have lost your PAN Card and you remember your PAN, you can download PAN Card soft copy from the official website of either NSDL or UTIITSL.
However, e-PAN Card download by coupon number can be done via UTIITSL Portal and duplicate PAN Card download by acknowledgement number can be done through NSDL Portal.
Q. How can I reprint my PAN Card?
Ans. To reprint your PAN Card, you need to visit the official website of TIN-NSDL for old PAN Card download and apply for duplicate PAN Card download. To know the process in detail, click here.
Q. How to download an e-PAN Card without a Permanent Account Number?
Ans. To download an e-PAN card card without a Permanent Account Number, a duplicate PAN Card download can be done through the ‘Know your PAN’ facility from the official website of Income Tax Department i.e.
Q. Is there any facility to download e-PAN Card without Acknowledgement Number?
Ans. Yes, you can download e-PAN Card without Acknowledgement Number by entering your PAN, Aadhaar Number (only for Individuals and when downloading through NSDL portal) and other details like Date of Birth, GSTIN (optional) through NSDL e-Governance (Protean) and/or UTIITSL website.
If you are new to the PAN ecosystem and have neve possessed a PAN card before, you can also download an instant ePAN online via the Income Tax department website.
Q. Is there any PAN card download app?
Ans. No, there is no PAN card download app. One has to either visit NSDL website or UTI Infrastructure Technology And Services Limited website to download ePAN. However, you can download your PAN in the Digilocker app.
Q. What is the fee charged for downloading ePAN card?
Ans. An applicant can download the ePAN card for free three times for the first month of issuance of the new/modified PAN card. After that, both NSDL and UTIITSL applicants will have to pay a fee of Rs. 8.26 for each ePAN card download.
Q. Is there an expiry date of e-PAN card?
Ans. No, the e-PAN does not expire. The digital version of PAN is valid for your whole lifetime and can be used for various financial and government activities.
Q. Will I need to submit any physical documents when applying for an e-PAN?
Ans. No, you are not required to submit any physical documents when applying for an e-PAN.
Q. How to do online PAN card download by name and date of birth?
Ans. At present, there is no provision to download PAN card using your name and date of birth. However, you can use your PAN and date of birth details to download your PAN from the NSDL website.
Q. Is ePAN card a legal document?
Ans. ePAN card is just as legitimate and valid as a regular PAN card. Both are the same documents and are just issued through different media.
Hi,i applied for online e-pan,but after payment server got issue…at present i don’t have any reference number…I need to apply again or how to check… please advise
Hi Vimalathithan,
When you would have applid your e-PAN, you might have received the reference/acknowledgment number on your registered mobile number and email address and you can alter the Aadhar information as per your application & resend to get your e-PAN.
However, in case, you don’t have the reference/acknowledgment number you can also apply for e-PAN through Aadhaar number as well from
pan card download kaise kare agar pan number nahi hai or receipt number bhi nahi hain please update
1. इस पर टिन-एनएसडीएल पोर्टल पर जाएँ
2. एप्लिकेशन प्रकार अनुभाग में “पैन – नया / परिवर्तन अनुरोध” चुनें
3. बिना पावती संख्या के पैन कार्ड की स्थिति की जाँच करने के लिए नाम अनुभाग का चयन करें
4. अपना अंतिम नाम, पहला नाम, मध्य नाम और जन्म तिथि दर्ज करें
5. अब स्टेटस पाने के लिए “सबमिट” बटन पर क्लिक करें।
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SIR, My name is Sanjib Tantoby i had apply for e pan but by mistakenly i gave the wrong e mail id and i have lost my mobile too and for that i can’t get my pan acknowledge no too.. Is there any other way of downloading my e pan as i have tried all.
I lost my card how can I get the duplicate one please tell me sir
Hi Sonia, you can get a duplicate Aadhaar card from the official website of UIDAI i.e. by providing the enrolment number mentioned in the acknowledgement slip provided at the time of enrolling for the Aadhaar card. The duplicate card has the same card number and other details as the original card.