Table of Contents :
A copyright is an identity of any created work as an intellectual property that gives the creators of a work, exclusive rights to decide or regulate, who and under what conditions can copy and be used as a creative work. It is crucial to note that the copyright does not protect the idea but the “expression of an idea”. While retaining the essential emphasis on the acknowledgment and protection of the origins and expression of the idea, copyright laws differ regionally and according to varying national laws. The copyright is considered as a basic tool towards protecting intellectual and creative property. However, as stated by the Delhi High Court in 2016, it is not a means of restricting the circulation of culturally and intellectually significant work. Rather, copyright laws attempt to ensure fair practices in the production of creative work.

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Steps for Copyright Registration Online
Step 1: Enter your valid User ID and Password to login.
Step 2: Click on New User Registration, if you have not yet registered.
Step 3: Click on to link “Click for online Copyright Registration”.
Step 4: Copyright Registration Form is to be filled up in steps mentioned below:
a) Complete the Form XIV, then press SAVE button to Save entered details.
b) Press Step 2 to fill up the Statement of Particulars, and then press SAVE button to Save entered details.
c) Fill up the Statement of Further particulars, press SAVE button to Save entered details.
Step 5: Make payment through Internet Payment gateway.
Step 6: After successful submission of the form, Diary Number will be generated.
Step 7: Please take hard copy (print) of “Acknowledgement Slip” and “Copyright Registration Report”, and send it by post to
Copyright Division
Department For Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Boudhik Sampada Bhawan,
Plot No. 32, Sector 14, Dwarka, New Delhi-110078
Email Address:
Telephone No.: 011-28032496
Any kind of creative work ranging from visual artistic work, literary work, dramatic production, music, cinematic work or sound recording can be copyrighted.
Fees and Charges to File Copyright in India
Copyright Registration Fees & Charges | |
For a license to republish a Literary, Dramatic, Musical or Artistic work | Rs. 5,000/- per work |
For a license to communicate an any work to the public by Broadcast | Rs. 40,000/- per applicant/per sataton |
For license to republish a Cinematograph Film | Rs. 15,000/- per work |
For a license to republish a sound recording | Rs. 10,000/- per work |
For a license to perform any work in public | Rs. 5,000/- per work |
For a license to publish or communicate to the public the work or translation | Rs. 5,000/- per work |
Fee Can Be Paid By Postal Oder / Demand Draft / Online Payment Payable to “REGISTRAR OF COPYRIGHTS, New Delhi
Documents Required for Copyright Registration
For copyright application and registration, applicant will need the following documents:
- No Objection Certificate (NOC) will need to be submitted by the author of the work if the creator of the work and the applicant for copyright are different.
- At least 3 copies of work will need to be submitted.
- Special power of the attorney is necessary.
- NOC from the publisher will be necessary if the publisher and the applicant are different entities.
- In case those photographic pictures of a person appear in any work, an NOC will be needed from that person too.
- TM-60 NOC from the trademark office will be necessary if the work will likely be used on goods.
- The geographical location of the creation of the work.
- Details regarding the year and country of the creation and publication of the work.
- Confirmation and proofs if the work is an adaptation or translation of an already existing work.
- The name, physical address and nationality of the author/publisher.
- All authorizations with respect to the work.
- Title of the work for which one is seeking copyright.
- The language in which the work will be published and is seeking copyright.

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Features and Benefits
As mentioned earlier, a copyright protects the expression of an idea but is not intended to limit it. It is a legal mechanism that ensures the basic standards of fair practices in the case of any kind of intellectual and/or creative work. Some of the advantages can be outlined below:
- Protection of Work: A copyright offers the basic legal protection for a work by functioning as evidence of ownership over a work in any court of law. While copyright does not restrict the fair circulation of the work, it offers legal protection to the author, owner, creator or publisher.
- Branding: A copyright also offers legitimacy and promotion for a creative work. A copyright also reflects a sense of ownership and investment in one’s work and this is important when attempting to exhibit, advertise or sell one’s work.
- International Protection: Copyright offers protection to any intellectual and creative work across the world, since a copyrighted work retains its copyright status anywhere in the world.
- Curbing Unauthorized Copy: Copyright registration ensures that the work cannot be published and circulated legally, without the owner’s prior consent and permission.
- The Creation of an Intellectual Asset: A copyright essentially renders a work as intellectual property and an untouchable asset.
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History of Copyright in India
In India, the Copyright Act 1957 applicable from 21st January, 1958 is the central governing mechanism for copyright law in India. Like in other countries, the copyright law in India is loosely defined as a set of legislation given to creators of literary, musical, artistic, cinematic and dramatic works. The copyright laws provide guidelines regarding the laws under which any work can be reproduced, exhibited and adapted from. The general time-frame globally, within which a copyright is applicable ranges from 50-100 years. In India, while all literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works have copyright periods that are the sum of the lifetime of the author and the 60 years since his/her death, other kinds of creative work including anonymous work, sound records, photographs etc. have copyright periods of 60 years since the publication of the work in the public domain. In what has become known as the “first copyright case in India”, the fashion designer Ms. Ritu Kumar accused 7 boutiques in Kolkata in 1999, of plagiarising her designs. After a lengthy but successful battle lasting almost 7 years, Ms. Ritu Kumar managed to protect her intellectual property through the provision of copyright laws.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Ques. What is a copyright?
Ans. Copyright is a type of law given to the hands of the creators of any work, as it ensures certain minimum the right of the creators over their creations eventually resulting in protecting and rewarding creativity.
Ques. Who is eligible to apply for a copyright registration?
Ans. Anybody or entity can apply for a copyright registration. This can include a natural person or a company.
Ques. Is copyright the same as patent and trademark?
Ans. No, while a copyright is the identity of intellectual property that is given to the expression of a work, a trademark is the protection offered to the use of a brand and its identity. A patent on the other hand is the identity of intellectual property that is given to an idea as such.
Ques. Is a copyright valid globally?
Ans. A copyright registered in India, for most purposes, will be valid in India. However, it is a legitimate proof to be presented to any government.